Well, so much for the weekly update. Med school attacked the Webmistress with a vengeance, and left her with no time or energy for the website. This week, Casey has been recovering from a severe burn on his foot he received on the 7th (see Pictures O' The Week for the gory details. Since we purchased a digital camera a while back, pictures will now be a weekly part of this website... if the med school attacks abate, that is.
Other than that, not much going on - Tonya has been in Rheumatology at Queens Hospital Center in Jamaica, NY learning to inject and aspirate joints. Much more fun for her than for the patients.
January 6-12, 2002
Tonya has this week off and has been using it to clean and organize the house, catch up on sewing, and study. Much more of the former two than the latter, of course. Casey got a new processor for his computer, and all week has been fighting with Windows 95 to get it functional.
January 3, 2002
New furniture again! One of the ladies in our church was moving and trying to get rid of furniture, and graciously gave us a very nice corner computer desk. Now Tonya has to convince Casey to get rid of the old one, hehe.
December 31, 2001/January 1, 2002
We spent New Year's with our friends at church, playing games and eating lots of food, which led to numerous resolutions concerning diet and exercise. New Year's Day we had the Case family over for a good Colorado beef prime rib that we had brought from home. We also introduced them to our favorite appetizer: artichokes!